Graphic Designer
Lyz Tomsuden
When Lyz Tomsuden moved back to Rutland after finishing her graphic design degree in Massachusetts, she didn’t expect to stay more than two years. That was 2006. Today, Lyz runs her own business, which she got off the ground while working for the Rutland Herald. She found a supportive community in Rutland that welcomed her as a small business owner, so instead of having to advertise her skills, she gets work by word of mouth referrals and builds relationships on trust the way one only can in a smaller town.
Lyz joined a small facebook group called Local Share, which evolved into Rutland Young Professionals. The organization is dedicated to connecting and supporting young working people, both those living in Rutland County and those considering moving to the area. Lyz is the Chair of the Marketing Committee, promoting events and cultivating new memberships, and making herself available to those seeking an insider view on working life in Rutland.